After watching cuckoo's tutorial and seeing the extra menu I wanted to see what the other options were and if there were any other secret features, and this is a collection of what I have found.
Each feature is formatted in the order as follows: First a name of the feature in bold, then the conditions required to use it in italics, the button combination used to do the action, and a description of what the action does.
parameter reset: record+(knob A/B): will reset the parameter moved for the current parameter page. ie: if on tone page moving knob A will reset the pitch to 0 for the current sound. also works for extra menu parameter pages tune and mix, and drum parameters, and individual step parameters. does not work with live parameter locking/editing see next feature.
erase track steps: while playing on either track. write+record: deletes steps under the play-head for current track while held.
last note display: sound+(1-16) and let go of sound or while paused on voice track fx+(1-8) and let go of fx: shows the current sound's last played note on the led grid.
pattern sound check: in write mode on either track. hold write: shows which steps use the same sound as the current sound.
current sounds display: hold sound: shows which sounds are used in the current pattern. when a sound is played in the pattern its led will flash. currently selected sound is brightest and flashing.
used sounds display: while paused hold record: shows which sounds are used in any pattern. unused sound slots are not lit.
system info: (keep holding sound)+bpm: cycles between different system information on the display each time bpm is pressed. the following information can be displayed in the order as follows: battery percent, battery voltage, cpu percent, memory used, build number, id 1, and id 2.
live sound swap: while playing. sound+fx+(1-15): while held changes which sound is used for the steps under the play-head. notes, parameters, and voice mode of the pattern stay the same, only changes which sound is used. while in write mode saves to pattern. if this action is started or ended on a sustain step (partially lit) then the note will stop. (also saveable to the pattern; viewable with pattern sound check see above). when the note's length is adjusted, all of the note's steps are set to the starting step's sound.
sound copy: sound+record+write+(1-15): copy current sound to selected slot.
step copy: in write mode on either track. hold any step for a second: copies the step's sound,note, and parameters to the current sound.
step note/length: in write mode on voice track. hold a start step (fully lit): the knobs adjust the note and sustain/length of the step. if paused the note will play when adjusted. decreasing and then increasing the length of the step will remove the saved note/tone/trim information within the area moved.
sustain note change: in write mode on voice track. hold a sustain/length step (partially lit): Knob A changes the note value on that step. can be achieved in performance mode by pressing a second note before letting go of the first.
step tone/trim parameters: in write mode on voice track. hold any lit step and press fx: to switch to tone/trim parameters for that step. the sequence will interpolate between each set step. Can be used for a much better control of pitch bend and can create weird reverse/choppy playback of the sound.
re-trigger: in write mode on drum track. (hold step) + bpm: cycles between 1,2,3,4,6,8 retrigs for that step. a value of 1 will play the sound once (default).
Extra menu: while paused fx+record: while held shows the menu on leds 1-8.
recording quality/length: fx+record+(1-4): sets the recording quality and length for future recordings. by pressing buttons 1-4 the values (80,60,40,20)fps are selectable in that order. the list below describes each value:
- 80fps: highest quality, recording max 8 seconds.
- 60fps: decent quality, recording max 11 seconds.
- 40fps: not great quality, recording max 16 seconds.
- 20fps: low quality, recording max 32 seconds.
extra mix page: fx+record+6: switches to an extra mixing parameter page. Knob A adjusts the level of noise. (doesn't affect vocoder or noise voice modes) Knob B adjusts the volume for the sound. press fx to switch back to normal tone/trim page.
recording range: fx+record+7: toggles between high and low recording frequency modes. high mode turns the led on and low off.
recording metronome: fx+record+8: toggles a metronome used during recording.
If you set the alarm to a blank pattern normally, most pocket operators will play a random drum on each step, but the speak will play a hidden rooster sound and gradually flash the grid of leds.
Tips and Tricks:
sound+(1-15) while held can be used to play the last played note for that sound, and after it is played the track will be muted for as long as you hold the number; sound+16 does the same except it incrementally plays each drum sound and mutes the drum track.
once a recording has started (display will say "rec") you can let go of the number button and it will continue to record. if you let go of record the recording will save, stop early and adjust the length of the sound to match. when recording a progress circle will fill in on the left of the display showing how much time is left for the recording.
A note can extend past the end of a pattern and will wrap around to the beginning. If two patterns are set up this way using the same sound wrapped around but different parameters then you can get 6 different results depending on which order you play them in: 1 1,1 1,2 2,1 2,2 2 If setup in a pattern chain a note can also wrap to the beginning of the next pattern.
Also notes will interpolate to the next notes parameters if both use the same sound and the first is long enough. This can be avoided by shortening the length of the first note.
Backing up: Make sure the master volume on the 35 speak is high enough (12 works well for me) the waveform should be quite large. Must be recorded in stereo. I save the file as a stereo mp3 170-210 kbps. When receiving the data turn up the volume of the player until the leds on the speak get to about 5-8. If a restore is interrupted or canceled the sounds and synths received will stay on the device. With this you can load parts of different backups, such as part of a kit from a 32 backup.