This is a list of hidden or secret features for teenage engineering's po-28 robot. I recommend reading the online manual, as I often see people miss common features like re-trig and pattern chaining. I will also go over some common problems with the octaves seeing as the different octave sounds combined with the live track can get quite confusing.
Melody mix: sound + knob A adjusts the volume of both melodic tracks in opposite directions. (highest value makes the live track loudest and the sequence quieter, low values the opposite, and in the middle the same volume)
What's with the octaves: When clearing a pattern the pattern's sound gets reset to sound 1 (sometimes not until notes are placed). When live recording and your pattern's sound is in the opposite octave range it will transpose the live notes entered to that range. When editing a step's note value the display will say its goes from octaves 1-3 but is actually an offset used to keep the values the same between the octave sounds. (A-3 is the same as button 5, A-2 is the same as button 13, and A-1 is one octave below button 13) This lowest octave can be used to get an extra octave on the low octave sounds (8-15).
Quick first note: Live recording while paused will place the note on the first step.
Temporary drum length: While in performance mode on the drum track, adjusting knob B will make all drum sounds temporarily use that release value. To revert back to the recorded parameter press sound, write, or play a drum sound. If moved quickly on a retrigged sound effect 4 (button 12) it can create a glitchy arp effect.
Remembered notes: Note values and parameters stay in the pattern even after the note is removed. This can be used for quick and easy removal of retrigs, or an easy live variation in a song.
Live fx: You probably knew the filter effects work while paused (fx+any of(1-2 or 5-8) press the combination to activate and press fx or play to disable), but the noise effect can also be played while paused. (fx+16)
Random alarm: Setting the alarm to a blank pattern will play a random drum on each step and flash the leds. If the drum track is selected before sleep mode, knob B can adjust release while its playing.
Glitches: When paused in write mode, pressing sound switches the pattern's sound to the other octave sound, but only for the first step, and then is immediately switched back to the original octave. After clearing a pattern the first note entered with write mode wont be placed unless you play a sound first.